I remember when I felt the most alive. It was the summer of 2021. After being stuck on top of a mountain for three weeks, I finally finished my devices for my newly developed cannabis entertainment business. I had the opportunity to brighten up many people with my creations. Seeing the smiles on their faces let me know I had reached cloud nine. I realized that the key to spirituality is pure fun and that you can measure your level of it by the amount of enjoyment you have in your life. The more ways you find to make situations pleasurable or amusing, the higher you climb in life.
What if you are stuck in a boring nine to five job? How do you climb spiritual mountains when chained to a desk or a counter meant to level up someone else's life?
To Be Or Not To Be
Does your current situation allow you the freedom to find happiness? If not, why the fuck are you still there? It isn't that simple, is it? If you were in a video game, you could just try again. However, YOLO is more than just a phrase. It's the reality that many do not want to face until it's too late.
You may not get another chance to climb life, making reality more interesting than a video game. The stakes are higher, but you would appreciate the reward more in the end. That total is equivalent to where you could spiritually be. All you have to do is be creative and put some faith in yourself.
Like a video game, the road ahead will challenge you. However, if you are willing to accept the quest, you are guaranteed to have some fun. You can always switch the games until you find one that attracts you the most.
I Am That I Am
Now that you have accepted the mountainous challenges ahead, it's time to build your character. What qualities do you want to harbor? Are they genuine traits? How much effort would be required to naturalize them? Are they worth cultivating? Will they help bring you to where you want to be in life?
These are some of the questions that you will have to face. There will be constant shedding and perpetual growth into the person you want to become.
Setting The Stage
What is the gravity of your situation? Do you have the means to get where you want? If not, how would you retrieve what is needed to get there?
Like the force of gravity, we can set the stage we want to live on. Creativity is the key to opening the doors to new areas that allow you to walk the fine line between imagination and reality. Learning the best way to adventure across the thin line between the two takes practice but can be done if there is a will. With endless locks, there are infinite keys. Take advantage of this and find a way to get to the other side. Having more space allows for more opportunities to unfold. Setting the stage is vital in creating the art you want to be a part of.
The Magnetic Force
The climb against the gravity of your situation will create attraction of nearby objects. Knowing which ones to keep and which ones to throw out requires time and effort. Some will drag you back down, but the game continues as long as you are still alive and attached to the mountain you chose to climb.
Are there people you would like to journey with towards the peaks you are attempting to climb? While some compromises will have to be made, the climb will be easier if you choose the right company.
Walking The Line
It's time to walk the line from where you are to where you want to be. On one side lies the world of beauty and ugliness, evil and good, just and unjust, and the world of the boring and the fun. On the other side lies the simple nature of reality, which does not require our existence.
When both reality and imagination are paired together, new worlds are created. These are spaces that can harvest the fruits of your life's work.
Resetting Values
As you build the world you want to live in, new situations will arise that will force you to reset some of the values that you have adopted along the way. These values may have been necessary but are now an impediment to your spiritual growth.
There will come a time when you must reevaluate them and remove the dead weight. Letting these values go may be difficult, but it is for the success of the world you want to live in.
One of my most valuable childhood lessons was that there are no mistakes in the creative process of art but rather opportunities for something unique to form. If you created something unintentionally or drew a line different from what you imagined, use it to your advantage instead of obsessing about it.
Does your art have to be precisely how you imagined it to be happy? It may end up being better than what you initially envisioned. The more you refine your values, the more functional the fun is.
The Party
Sharing your art is part of the spiritual experience. Other like-minded individuals will be drawn to it. If you have a functional world, they will help propel it forward because that is the world they want to live in.
The Reflection Point
At this heightened phase of happiness, you see the bigger picture as if you were outside the artwork itself. You see all the moving parts and how you shaped them to fit where you wanted them to be. You remember all the resets and breakthroughs along the route. Is this where you want to be?
After Life
If you were to die tomorrow, could you say you lived the most fulfilling life you could have ventured? As Fifty Cent would say,
"Get Rich Or Die Trying."
Did you attempt to make your life better or settle for less?
YOLO, you only live once. There is no guarantee of life after this one, so why would you waste it on being unhappy? Life is challenging, but if there were none, you would be bored as fuck.
If you produce the results you want, the amount of challenge converts to an equal level of appreciation once you get the reward. And if you never get the prize, at least you died trying. That is better than living someone else's life from nine to five.
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