We last left off with the gang dealing with a monstrous field of marijuana that wouldn't stop growing! How will they halt it from destroying the entire farm? Will it be too late before it reaches the town?
And now, for another episode of Reefer Rabbit's Most Magical Ranch!
Shatter Sheep jumps in her mini-plane and revs up the engine.
"Where are you going?" Asked Reefer Rabbit.
"I'm headed over to Dr. Sinsemilla Sentipede to borrow his shrinking machine," shouted, Shatter Sheep. She shut the door behind her, and off she went, soaring through the blue skies.
She popped out of a cloud and nosedived onto Dr. Sinsemilla Sentipede's front yard.
She jumped out of the plane and ran up to his door.
Ring ring! No one answers, so Shatter Sheep knocks hard. Dr. Sinsemilla Sentipede opens the door with a big welcoming smile, and says, "Shatter Sheep, what brings you to this part of town?"
"Oh, Dr. Sinsemilla Sentipede, our reefer is growing out of control, and we need your shrinking machine! Can you help us out, please?" asked Shatter Sheep?
"Most certainly," Dr. Sinsemilla Sentipede said joyfully. Just be sure to bring me some extra goodies at the grand old party!"
Dr. Sinsemilla Sentipede hands Shatter Sheep the shrinking machine, and she hops back in the plane. She is up in the air with one fellow swoop and headed back to the ranch!
Upon her return, Shatter Sheep flies toward the out-of-control marijuana field and aims the shrinking machine at it. She flips the switch and -
Zoop - zoop. The machine successfully hit the ganja, and it shrank back down to a controllable size!
All of the gang witnessed the heroic maneuver of Shatter Sheep and cheered her on!
Shatter Sheep landed the plane and came out. She met up with all her friends who celebrated their victory with a pot party picnic!
Reefer Rabbit rolled all the joints while White Widow cooked up a freshly made pot pie. Ganja Gorilla baked up a batter of gooey ganja ganaches. Dab the Donkey set up the table, chairs, utensils, and Shatter Sheep Shattered all the shatter and rigged the rig.
They partied all afternoon and into the evening.
The first waves of the sunrise hit Reefer Rabbit's tiny nose, and the fresh scent of Golden Goat buds from outside his window woke him up. A bright smile shined upon his face as he jumps out of bed. He shouted, "good morning, gang! Is everyone ready to start harvesting all of our marvelous marijuana for the grand old party?
"We sure are Reefer Rabbit," gleefully said Dab the Donkey.
They all ate a big breakfast and then hurried out to the fields. There it was. Their hard work finally paid off. The flowered buds were standard big size, oozing in powerful crystals, and full of orangy hair! You could smell a piney and limey scent from inside the house!
The gang plucked all the marijuana from the fields and put them in their super dee duper drying machine. The buds would soon be ready for the grand old party!
Everyone was going to be there, including the mayor of Greensville. Everyone heard of this magical strain that could be smelled from miles away. The party was expected to be at total capacity.
And so Saturday night came. Everyone dressed up in their best suits. Reefer Rabbit and Dab The Donkey tended the bar while everyone else helped to pass out the marijuana-infused appetizers.
Quaint music played, and the sound-color-coordinated lights helped define the atmosphere. Everyone was fantastically high and satisfied with this new batch.
That is until everyone started to mutate as the GMO plants did before the shrinking ray! Everyone screamed as they grew three sizes larger fearfully. Belt buckles broke, and the ground began to shake.
"Reefer Rabbit, what have you done to all of us?" Shouted the mayor of Greensville.
With no plane to hurry up with, will the gang be able to stop the townspeople from blowing up like balloons in time? Stay tuned for next week's episode of Reefer Rabbit's Most Magical Ranch.
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To dive deeper down the rabbit hole behind all of this madness I created, read my psychedelic autobiographical adventure!